Mississippi Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility in 2025

Mississippi Long Term Care


Mississippi operates as an income cap state, meaning Medicaid long-term care benefits have a strict income limit. Unlike non-income cap states that allow applicants to spend down excess income for care costs, Mississippi requires applicants to meet income limits at the time of application, with any excess managed through a Qualified Income Trust (Miller Trust).

Retroactive Benefits: Medicaid applicants may qualify for benefits up to three months prior to their application month, provided they meet all eligibility requirements during those months and received qualifying medical services.

Eligibility in 2025:

1. Residency and Citizenship: Applicants must be Mississippi residents and U.S. citizens or possess proper immigration status.

2. Age/Disability: Applicants must be age 65 or older, blind, or disabled and meet medical criteria for a Nursing Facility Level of Care (NFLOC).

3. Acceptance of Benefits: Applicants must apply for and accept all benefits for which they may be entitled (e.g., VA benefits, Social Security, pensions). Failure to do so may result in ineligibility for Medicaid.

4. Income Limitations: Single applicants must have a monthly income under $2,901. Excess income can be deposited into a Qualified Income Trust to maintain eligibility. A personal needs allowance of $44/month is excluded from income calculations. Veterans and surviving spouses may retain a $90 VA pension.

5. Asset Limitations: Mississippi categorizes assets as Exempt or Countable. Exempt assets do not impact eligibility, while countable assets must be liquidated to meet Medicaid’s asset limit. Mississippi enforces a 5-year look-back period for asset transfers below fair market value, with penalties for violations.

Exempt Assets in 2025:
  • $4,000 in countable assets for single applicants; $6,000 for married couples (both applying).
  • Primary residence with an equity limit of $730,000, provided the applicant, spouse, or dependent resides there, or the applicant has an Intent to Return.
  • Up to two motor vehicles.
  • Burial spaces or irrevocable burial funds up to $6,000.
  • Life insurance policies with a face value under $10,000.
  • Personal property with equity under $5,000.
Spousal Rules in 2025:

The community spouse can retain up to $157,920 in countable assets through the Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA). If assets are below $50,000, transfers from the institutionalized spouse are allowed to meet this minimum.

Community spouses may retain income up to $3,948/month through the Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMNA). Additional allowances are available for dependents based on their income.

How to Apply for Mississippi Medicaid

Applications can be submitted online through AccessMS, via mail, or at local Division of Medicaid regional offices. Assistance is available at Mississippi Medicaid or by calling 1-800-421-2408.

Further Reading:

Eligibility details and policy manual: Eligibility Policy and Procedures Manual.

Application guide: Mississippi Medicaid Application Guide.