Tennessee Medicaid Long-Term Care Eligibility in 2025
Tennessee Long Term Care (TennCare)

Tennessee Medicaid, also known as TennCare, is a health care program for low-income individuals of all ages. It provides coverage for long-term care to elderly residents, including nursing home care, assisted living services, and home and community-based services (HCBS). TennCare’s Long-Term Services & Supports division manages these benefits. Below are the key eligibility requirements and program details for Tennessee Medicaid long-term care in 2025.
Eligibility for 2025:
1. **Residency and Citizenship** – The applicant must be a Tennessee resident and a U.S. citizen or have proper immigration status.
2. **Age/Disability** – The applicant must be aged 65 or older, or blind, or disabled. For nursing home or HCBS services, applicants must demonstrate a medical need equivalent to a nursing facility level of care (NFLOC).
3. **Income Limitations** – For single applicants, the income limit is $2,901 per month. For married couples, the combined income limit is $5,802 ($2,901 per spouse). Income exceeding this limit can be placed in a Qualified Income Trust (QIT) to maintain eligibility. There is a personal needs allowance of $70/month for nursing home residents.
4. **Asset Limitations** – Single applicants are limited to $2,000 in countable assets. Married couples with both spouses applying are limited to $4,000 ($2,000 per spouse). For married couples with one spouse applying, the community spouse (non-applicant) can retain up to $157,920 in assets.
Exempt Assets in 2025 for an applicant in Tennessee include:
– One primary residence with equity interest up to $730,000, provided the applicant or their spouse resides in the home or the applicant has an intent to return.

– One automobile (no equity limit).
– Personal belongings, household furnishings, and other personal effects.
– Irrevocable burial trusts up to $6,000.
Spousal Rules in 2025:
**Community Spouse Resource Allowance (CSRA):** The community spouse can retain 50% of the couple’s countable assets, up to $157,920, or a minimum of $31,584 if assets are below this threshold.
**Minimum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMMNA):** The community spouse is entitled to a minimum income of $2,555/month, up to a maximum of $3,948/month if shelter expenses exceed $766.50/month.
Qualifying When Over the Limits
Applicants exceeding income or asset limits may still qualify through:
1. **Qualified Income Trusts (QIT):** Also called Miller Trusts, these allow applicants to place excess income into a trust for Medicaid eligibility.
2. **Asset Spend-Down:** Excess assets can be spent on non-countable items like home modifications, funeral prepayments, or paying off debts, provided the Medicaid Look-Back Rule is not violated.
3. **Medicaid Planning:** Professional guidance can help applicants meet eligibility requirements and protect assets from Medicaid Estate Recovery.
Specific Tennessee Medicaid Programs
1. **CHOICES in Long-Term Services and Supports Program:** Provides HCBS and other supports to delay or prevent nursing home placement. Services include personal care assistance, adult day care, and transportation.
2. **PACE (Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly):** Combines Medicaid and Medicare benefits, offering additional services like dental and eye care.
How to Apply for Tennessee Medicaid
Applications can be submitted online at TennCare Connect, by phone at 855-259-0701, in person at local DHS offices, or by submitting a paper application. For assistance, contact the Long-Term Services & Supports Help Desk at 877-224-0219 or a local Area Agency on Aging and Disability (AAAD).