How to Switch Guardians

How to Switch Guardians

As Baby Boomers age, it is expected that the population of older Americans will increase dramatically in the next twenty years. With age comes less independence and for many people, a need for either in-home care or an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are the child of an older adult who is beginning to lose their ability to remain independent.

Special Circumstance in a Guardianship

Special Circumstance in a Guardianship

As Baby Boomers age, it is expected that the population of older Americans will increase dramatically in the next twenty years. With age comes less independence and for many people, a need for either in-home care or an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are the child of an older adult who is beginning to lose their ability to remain independent.

Medicaid Compliant Annuity
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Medicaid Compliant Annuity

As Baby Boomers age, it is expected that the population of older Americans will increase dramatically in the next twenty years. With age comes less independence and for many people, a need for either in-home care or an assisted living facility. Perhaps you are the child of an older adult who is beginning to lose their ability to remain independent.

social worker
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What is a Geriatric Social Worker?

What Does a Geriatric Social Worker Do? When people think about social workers, the image of someone helping children immediately comes to mind. Social workers, however, can fulfill multiple roles that extend far beyond children. Some deal specifically with the elderly and are known as gerontological or geriatric social workers. With more seniors than ever…

Trusts and Wills – Important Differences to Consider

Trusts and Wills – Important Differences to Consider

Making estate plans involves a number of complex decisions. One of those is whether you should make your arrangements through a will or a trust. Wills are the basic documents that we are all familiar with, that discuss how you would like your assets and possessions divided when you pass, and other arrangements that you would like made. This is in contrast to trusts, which are considered by law their own entity, to which you can transfer some of your possessions. Many people think that trusts are better because you can avoid taxes on them.