ALTCS in Gilbert, Arizona

If you are looking for Gilbert senior care, the ALTCS program may be able to help if you do not have the financial resources to pay for it. ALTCS is the long term care component of Medicaid in Arizona. It is designed to provide care for needy seniors and others who have disabilities that require 24 hour care services. There are two separate qualifiers that are considered in the ALTCS application, a financial means test and a functional test. The functional test documents health conditions that you or your loved one might have.

Those looking into Gilbert elder care will need to call the Phoenix area ALTCS office and put in their application. Before applying, it is important to document your financial assets and it may be wise to speak with a local elder law attorney. After you place the application, it will take about 60 days for ALTCS to complete your application, after which you will be accepted or rejected from the program.

When you apply for ALTCS, prior to looking for assisted living in Gilbert, you should know that you will have to meet with an ALTCS case manager. The case manager is a social worker who will take a functional and medical evaluation of your loved one. Their aim is to determine if it is necessary for them to have long term care in the first place. A combined score of sixty points on the medical and functional evaluation will qualify you for the ALTCS program. Points are awarded based on medical conditions such as Alzheimer’s Disease along with functional disabilities such as difficulty walking, going to the bathroom, and meal preparation.

After you have applied for ALTCS it is time to start looking for care. If you choose to remain in Gilbert, there are plenty of senior care options available. Generally, people who need the ALTCS program move to a senior living facility so that they can receive high quality care and preserve their health. Some assisted living and residential care homes accept the ALTCS program with homes ranging in quality. It is important to have professional guidance when choosing a home. Please ask us for background information before choosing a home.

Applying for the ALTCS program and finding Gilbert elder care for your loved one can be a positive experience for everyone involved if done right. With the right resources, every Arizona senior can get the great care that they need. At Senior Planning that is our mission, and whether you need our help or not, we wish you the best of luck in finding the best outcome possible in this situation.

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